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All Patents of Type: circular saws
Patents 1 - 15 of 190
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GB-177,701,152Apr. 11, 1777S. MillerMachine for sawing wood, stone, and ivorycircular saws
GB-180,803,116Mar. 14, 1808M.I. BrunelImprovements on circular saws for sawing woodcircular saws
2,976XJul. 11, 1818W.F. HillCircular sawcircular saws
3,183XMar. 16, 1820J. Jaquith, R. EastmanCircular saw for making clap boardsclapboard machines
3,742XAug. 13, 1823J. BrownCircular sawscircular saws
3,759XSep. 26, 1823S. BonnelCircular sawscircular saws
4,210XSep. 29, 1825A. StewartCompound rotary sawcircular saws
4,438XMay 18, 1826W. Kendall, Jr.Circular sawcircular saws
4,600XDec. 08, 1826W. AveryCircular reacting sawcircular saws
5,235XOct. 11, 1828J. KidderCircular saw for sawing clapboardclapboard machines
5,378XFeb. 19, 1829T. HoweCircular revolving sawcircular saws
6,080XJul. 14, 1830A.H. FooteCross-cut circular sawscircular saws
6,443XApr. 04, 1831C. MadisonCircular saw for sawing lathscircular saws
6,984XApr. 05, 1832M. LancasterPlaning boards, grinding and polishing marble and sawing tenons with circular sawscircular saws
9,847XJul. 01, 1836R.S. ThomasRotary sawcircular saws
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