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CA Patent: CA-97,437
Belt lacing tool
Samuel Freeze (exact or similar names) - Doaktown, NB Canada

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
industrial machines : industrial machine mechanisms : industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms


Samuel Freeze - Doaktown, NB Canada


Patent Dates:
Applied: Jan. 05, 1906
Granted: Feb. 13, 1906

Patent Pictures:
Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
The January 1907 "Canada Lumberman and Woodworker" carries a text ad: "To Mill Men: Something New. You will find that by using Freeze's Patent Belt Lacing Tools you will save more than half the time usually lost in lacing belts. Consider—How much do you lose every year by reason of machinery standing idle while belts are being laced. You can stop over half of that leak by using the above named tools for running leather laces into belts. They will be sent to any address in Canada on receipt of price with order, and with ordinary care they will last a life-time. Price 50 Cents Each. Samuel Freeze, Patentee and Manufacturer. Doaktown, N. B."

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