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US Patent: 1,255,507
Centering Device
Francis H. Brennan (exact or similar names) - Albany, NY

USPTO Classifications:
33/32.3, 33/42, 33/673

Tool Categories:
layout tools : marking gauges : center marking gauges


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Applied: Jun. 15, 1917
Granted: Feb. 05, 1918

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Report data errors or omissions to steward Ralph Brendler
This complicated collection of pivoted arms is a center marking gage with two very interesting features: It can automatically handle any size of stock without adjustment, and it can also find the center of a bar or rod in the same manner. Also of interest in this design is that one of the pivot points can be locked with a wingnut, thus holding the tool in a specific position.

This tool does not employ an acutal marking point, but rather provides a tube that can hold a variety of devices. This allows the pencil or scratch awl to be replaced with a center punch when marking the center point of a bar for turning.

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