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CA Patent: CA-131,689
Planer mechanism
Frederick C. Soundegaard (exact or similar names) - Victoria, BC Canada

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
woodworking machines : cutter head machines : wood planers


Not known to have been produced

Atta Lindblad
James Blackwood

Patent Dates:
Applied: Oct. 10, 1910
Granted: Mar. 14, 1911

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
In the patent specification the inventor describes himself as a "millman".

"This invention relates to a planer cutter head such as is used for cutting heavy moulding, and is directed to the provision of a means for attaching the cutter blades to the head so that their cutting edges may be projected further from the axis of rotation of the head and be supported at a more effective angle for cutting than can be the case where the cutters are secured direct to the head... The invention is particularly designed or use with an ordinary square cutter head when the same is used in the cutting of a deep moulding such as is exemplified in a roof gutter."

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