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US Patent: 2,476,608
Gate Box Turning Tool
John M. Kinsey (exact or similar names) - Fitchburg, Worcester County, MA

USPTO Classifications:
81/443, 81/91.3

Tool Categories:
specialty tools : valve turning tools


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Applied: Nov. 10, 1947
Granted: Jul. 19, 1949

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This invention relates to a gate box turning tool or wrench and the principal object of the invention resides in the provision of a tool of the class described which is extremely effective in operation but which, at the same time, is economical to manufacture.

Another object of the invention is the provision of a tool of the class described comprising a head having pivoted thereto two pairs of levers, each pair of levers being interpivoted at corresponding extending ends and at the pivot points of the levers there being provided a gripping jaw pivoted thereto, said jaws being in the form of ovoids, said jaws being located in operative relation to the head, and there being a handle which is rotatable in either direction and connected to the levers so as to draw them in or out with relation to the head to grip an object between the jaws and the head or merely between the jaws without relation to the head.

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