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US Patent: 505,151
Traction Engine
Albert C. Ames (exact or similar names) - Chicago, Cook County, IL

USPTO Classifications:
180/6.48, 74/117

Tool Categories:
propulsion and energy : steam apparatus : steam traction engines


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Applied: Jun. 27, 1890
Granted: Sep. 19, 1893

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This invention relates to traction engines designed to supply motive power for plows, thrashing machines, and other agricultural implements; many of the improvements, how- ever, may be applied to various other forms of engines.


In a traction engine, the combination with a frame B and independent wheels A, A', on which the frame is supported, of two independent engines E, F', driving mechanisms between the engines H;, E' and the wheels A, A', respectively, a reach M, whereby the traction engine is guided by the independent engines, substantially as specified. 2. The combination with a frame B and independent wheels A, A', of two independent engines E, B', driving mechanisms between the engines E, E', and a coupling device L, for coupling together the engines whereby the wheels A, A', can be driven in unison.

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