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US Patent: 5,414X
Water Proof Cement or Hydraulic Lime
Robert Leckie (exact or similar names) - Washington, DC

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
manufacturing : manufacturing processes : making waterproof cement


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: Mar. 31, 1829

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Most of the patents prior to 1836 were lost in the Dec. 1836 fire. Only about 2,000 of the almost 10,000 documents were recovered. Little is known about this patent. There are no patent drawings available. This patent is in the database for reference only.

"The mineral from which the above cement is made, is an argillaceous, ferruginous lime-stone, found in large compact masses, near. Shepardstown, Jefferson County, Virginia. It is associated with good lime-stone, and may be called poor, or meager lime-stone. Its colour is of a grayish blue. It effervesces slightly with acids; when calcined, it is of a yellow, or cream colour, but is not always the same, some parts being of a light, and some of a darker yellow. It is found in large bodies, has a flinty, or conchoidal fracture, but is not slatey, like the lime found in Pennsylvania.

The specific gravity is 2,7653.

It contains Carbonic acid, Lime, Water, Siles, Alumina, Magnesia & Oxide of Iron.

Preparation of the cement. The stone is first calcined 40, or 48 hours, then ground to a powder, and mixed with clean sand in various proportions, from one-third to one-half; adding as much water as will make it into a proper consistency for use.

What I claim as my discovery, and for which I ask a patent, is that particular stone here described, and to be used as a hydraulic cement, and which I denominate hydraulic lime."

Journal of the Franklin Institute Vol. 4, Jul. 1829 pgs. 70-71

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