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US Patent: 9,300
Lorenzo L. Langstroth (exact or similar names) - Philadelphia, PA

USPTO Classifications:
449/14, 449/16, 449/22, 449/31, 449/41, 449/42

Tool Categories:
trade specific : beekeeper
agricultural : apiary apparatus


Not known to have been produced

W. J. P. White
E. D. Saunders

Patent Dates:
Granted: Oct. 05, 1852

Reissue Information:
Reissued as RE1,484 (May 26, 1863)

Patent Pictures:
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
This patent is considered the genesis of modern beekeeping, primarily because it greatly improved the use of multiple removable frames to hold the honeycomb. The inventor was a minister and beekeeper whose primary motivation for developing this new beehive seems to have been to allow the combs to be examined and any bee-moth larvae removed. In addition, his new hive allowed easy harvesting of honey, provided ready access to the queen, and made it easier to control swarming and to establish new colonies. This patent was reissued eleven years later, and the reissue de-emphasized the controlling of bee-moths, and emphasized increasing honey production and simplifying its harvesting.

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