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US Patent: 81,837
Improvement in head-blocks
E. H. Stearns (exact or similar names) - Erie, PA

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
woodworking machines : sawmills : sawmill headblocks


Stearns Mfg. Co. - Erie, PA
Stearns, Hill & Co. - Erie, PA
Stearns, Clark & Co. - Erie, PA


Patent Dates:
Granted: Sep. 01, 1868

Reissue Information:
Reissued as RE4,625 (Nov. 07, 1871)

Patent Pictures:
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
Vintage Machinery entry for Stearns Mfg. Co.
D. C. Prescott's 1910 monograph, "The Evolution of Modern Band Saw Mills for Sawing Logs", says of E. H. Stearns, "To him more than any other man living or dead, are the lumbermen of this country indebted for the mill equipments which brought the greatest success to them. He was the first man to give grace and beauty of design as well as strength to saw mill machinery. He was the first to produce carriages with accurately setting head blocks with self-receding knees, in place of the old time wooden head blocks with screw sets.

"The eccentric setting blocks, and subsequently the double acting set works, which we all now copy, came on the market through him. The big circulars with reversed top saw models of construction, came from him. Live Rollers and labor saving machines originated with him, as also did the splendid Gang Edgers which we now have in place of the old single saw edger with its traveling table...And yet, with all the splendid service he rendered the lumbermen of this country, he was allowed to go down to his death with not enough to pay his funeral expenses, and few to do him honor. The men with whom he dealt are now mostly dead, but the living successors should remember that to him they are largely indebted for the full measure of prosperity that they now enjoy."

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