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US Patent: 113,743
Forming Wrench Heads
Improvement in the Modes of Forming the Heads of Wrench-Bars
Aury Gates Coes (exact or similar names) - Worcester, MA

USPTO Classifications:
72/359, 72/374, 76/114

Tool Categories:
wrenches : wrench components : wrench jaw components


A. G. Coes & Co. - Worcester, MA

Thomas H. Dodge
A. E. Pierce

Patent Dates:
Granted: Apr. 18, 1871

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
Aury G. Coes Forming Wrench Heads (forming stages) (Pat. April 18, 1871)
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
The patent describes the process; the drawings include very generalized ideas of the shape of the forging dies. The specifications refer in a general way to earlier Coes patents for manufacturing processes and equipment. Patents No. 29360 (July 31, 1860), No. 91605 (June 22, 1869), and No. 104931 (July 5, 1870) are examples.

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