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US Patent: 2,275,291
Machine Tool Operating at Universal Angle in Overall Locations
Rudolph F. Bannow (exact or similar names) - Bridgeport, CT

USPTO Classifications:
248/349.1, 409/211, 409/216

Tool Categories:
metalworking machines : milling machines


Bridgeport Machines, Inc. - Bridgeport, CT

none listed

Patent Dates:
Applied: Apr. 04, 1939
Granted: Mar. 03, 1942

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"Vintage Machinery" entry for Bridgeport Machines Inc.
This is the patent for the Bridgeport M head milling machine.

R. D. Smith - patent attorney

This invention relates to machine tools of the general type adapted to perform milling, cutting, boring, grinding and like machining operations, by advancing an appropriate powered tool with respect to the work, as well as by feeding the work relative to the tool, and particularly concerns machine tools of the horizontal milling, machine type involving a table that is mounted for selectively feeding the work in any of three different paths of movement with respect to the upright column or tool supporting frame standard of the machine. By way of explaining the objects of the invention, it may be mentioned that the conventional milling machine is composed of an upright frame standard forwardly of which the work support table is movably positioned. For feeding the work, the worktable is adjustably slidable up and down, backward and forward, and from side to side of the standard. Mounted on the standard at a higher level than the work table is usually a horizontally extending over arm. There may be supported on such over arm and above or adjacent the work table, a self powered work machining unit including a tool spindle and the motor by which it is powered. Heretofore in machine tools of this character various provisions have been made for bodily holding and adjusting such work machining unit, but all such former provisions have so restricted the possible stations to which the unit may be moved, and have so restricted the directions in which the tool spindle may be inclined and advanced to perform its operations upon the work that many frequently desired machining operations have heretofore been impossible, or at best have required changing the setup of the work en its support table, an operation which greatly slows up production and increases the likelihood of inaccuracy in the finished work. An object of this invention is to provide means for so adjustably supporting and positioning the work machining unit that its tool spindle may operate on extreme end portions of a long piece of work when the work support table is positioned centrally of its range of lengthwise horizontal feeding travel from side to side of the standard. This makes it unnecessary to move a long heavy piece of work to a position of unbalance wherein most of its weight falls on one side of the means of support for the work table as has heretofore been necessary for the purpose of bringing one end of the work to a position nearly in front of the machine standard to enable it to be reached by the tool of the adjustable machining unit. Another object of the invention is to provide joints so arranged between different sections of an articulated support structure for the work machining unit that its tool spindle may be held and guided for axial movement toward the work at any desired angular inclination in any of the above mentioned positions thus giving to the machining unit a universal ability to perform its cutting or other operations free from many restrictions and limitations that have heretofore handicapped users of this type of machine tool, and slowed down the possible rate of production. A further object of the invention is to mount a self powered work machining unit upon the over arm of a machine tool of the milling machine type by means of improved forms and arrangements of articulated support structure sections and joints connecting the same. A further object of the invention is to provide improved mechanism for rotatively shifting an over arm or the like about its own axis to a measurable degree and then effectively holding and supporting it in the position to which it has been shifted, while leaving the over arm free to be shifted longitudinally also with respect to the machine standard or with respect to a turret head mounted to swivel thereon. A still further object is to provide improved construction for rotatively mounting a turret head on the top of a machine standard and holding it in its adjusted positions.

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