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US Patent: 166,171
Dried Fruit Looseners
Henry J. White (exact or similar names) - Green Bay, WI

USPTO Classifications:
294/121, 294/61

Tool Categories:

James V. Hiddleson - Chicago, IL


John H. Case
C. H. Kies
F. B. Townsend
Noah B. Smith

Patent Dates:
Applied: May 20, 1875
Granted: Jul. 27, 1875

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens
Martin J. Donnelly Antique Tools
R. D. O. Smith - patent attorney

It is well known among grocers that dried fruit, sugar, &c., become very firmly compacted in the barrels, boxes, &c., in which they are placed for storage or transportation, and that considerable trouble and labor is required to loosen them up prior to selling at retail. This invention relates to an improvement in fruit-augers, whereby the action of the same is rendered more controllable and satisfactory; and it consists of a shaft provided at one end with a cross-piece or handle, and at the other with a central guide-point and one or more spiral prongs, to penetrate and loosen up the dried fruit or other substance into which it is forced.

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