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CA Patent: CA-16,908
Freight cars for transporting grain, etc.
Treat T. Prosser (exact or similar names) - Chicago, IL

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
transportation : railroads : railroad cars and carriages


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: Jun. 14, 1883

Patent Pictures:
Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
"Claim.—1st, In a freight car for transporting grain, the combination, substantially as specified, of the rolling grain receptacle and a fixed hopper or hoppers adapted to feed grain into the receptacle, while the car is running, to compensate for packing so as to keep the receptacle filled to full capacity. 2nd- In a freight car for transporting grain, the rolling grain receptacle having hollow journals and perforations in its shell, substantially as and tor the purpose specified. 3rd, In a freight car for transporting grain, the combination, substantially as specified, of the rolling grain receptacle having perforations in its shell, the hollow journals thereof and the fixed hopper or hoppers adapted to feed grain into the receptacles, while the car is running. 4th. In a freight car, the combination, substantially as specified, of the roiling grain receptacle or receptacles, the frame for drawing them, and the platform supported on the above receptacles. 5th. In a freight car for transporting grain, the combination, substantially as specified, of the rolling grain receptacle, the hollow journals thereof, the screw conveyed in the journals and the hoppers."

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