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US Patent: 445,110
Gas Engine
Marcellus A. Graham (exact or similar names) - San Francisco, CA

USPTO Classifications:
123/161, 123/196R, 123/325, 123/405, 123/90.16, 184/18, 92/159

Tool Categories:
propulsion and energy : internal combustion engines : gas and gasoline engines


Marcellus A. Graham - San Francisco, CA

George H. Strong
S. H. Nourse
H. C. Lee

Patent Dates:
Applied: Aug. 20, 1890
Granted: Jan. 20, 1891

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Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens
"Vintage Machinery" entry for M. A. Graham

My invention relates to certain improvements in what are known as, gas or explosive engines.


In a gas-engine, a cylinder with a piston reciprocating therein and a means for supplying gas or explosive vapor to the interior of the cylinder, with inlet-valve, governor, and exhaust-valve, as shown, in combination with a spring-arm projecting into the cylinder and forming one electrode, a horizontal rotary shaft extending through the side of the cylinder explosion-chamber to form the other electrode and having its inner end slotted, a radial arm f, fitted to the slot, and a set-screw by which the arm is secured and its radial length is regulated with reference to the elastic electrode.

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