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GB Patent: GB-190,416,376
Improvements in and relating to Wrenches for Pipes and other Work
Alfred George Ely (exact or similar names) - New York, NY

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
wrenches : wrench components : wrench jaw components


Trimont Manufacturing Company - Roxbury, MA U.S.A.

none listed

Patent Dates:
Applied: Jul. 25, 1904
Granted: Sep. 29, 1904

Patent Pictures:
A. G. Ely patent registered July 25, 1904 - edited from "Abridgments in Specifications"
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
GB-190416376 in ESPACENET
Corresponding U.S. patent 765,569 was granted July 10, 1904.

Abstract: "A wrench for pipes and other work consists of a hand-piece A with two guides having enlarged ends a<6> bearing against shoulders in a vertical slot passing through the screwed part of the movable jaw C, the other end of the slot being closed by a projection on a filler D. The jaw C is moved by a nut B fitted loosely between the guides on the hand-piece and pressed down by a spring d'. The piece A has a shoulder A<4>, and its jaw, which is fixed in a slot, has a shoulder A<5>, which shoulders contact with the movable jaw and prevent straining. For use as a monkey wrench, the jaws are not toothed, and the spring is removed, the nut B also fitting closely between the guides."

The "monkey wrench" version was produced as the TRIMO MONKEY WRENCH, with a thin profile 10 inch long version marketed as the AUTO.

Note: Early British patents (pre 1916) were numbered by the year and started at patent #1 at the start of each year in January. The patent # used in DATAMP represents the year of registration and the patent # (with "leading zeros" interposed to make the number total nine digits). This patent is #16,376 of the year 1904.

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