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US Patent: 1,105,782
Pipe Wrench
Thomas Hinds (exact or similar names) - Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
wrenches : pipe wrenches


Not known to have been produced

S. Silvert
G. S. Roxburgh
Roland Foster

Patent Dates:
Applied: Jul. 09, 1913
Granted: Aug. 04, 1914

Patent Pictures:
Thomas Hinds patent August 4, 1914
USPTO (New site tip)
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Rotating "inner jaw" with curves matching standard pipe sizes; the placement of the curved faces is such that the toothed gripping surface on the fixed jaw will contact the pipe surface for all of those sizes, and the jaw will not "lock" on a pipe.

A known example matching this design bears markings indicative of a corresponding British patent (number 102960 of 1916). Corresponding Canadian patent CA-150778 was granted Sept. 30, 1913.

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