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US Patent: 700,118
Pipe or Tube Sawing Machine
Henry W. Hathorn (exact or similar names) - Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, IA

USPTO Classifications:
30/92, 82/100, 82/82

Tool Categories:
metalworking machines : pipe cutting machines


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Applied: May 02, 1901
Granted: May 13, 1902

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This invention relates to tube sawing machines, the principal object of the invention being to provide a simple and convenient machine by means of which pipes or tubes may be sawed in two from the interior and in such a manner as to leave the several ends of the tube perfectly smooth in order that the sections of the tube may be removed through the holes formed for the reception thereof in the tube-sheet or head of a boiler or other supporting-plate in which the tubes are located, thus obviating the necessity for recutting the ends of the tube preparatory to removing or reinstating the same.

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