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US Patent: 2,809,682
Wood Slicing Machines
Richard D. Russell (exact or similar names) - Lockport, Niagara County, NY

USPTO Classifications:
144/155, 144/178, 83/425

Tool Categories:
woodworking machines : specialty woodworking machines : wood slicing machines


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Applied: Jun. 03, 1955
Granted: Oct. 15, 1957

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Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
"The invention relates to improvements in wood slicing machines... Soft and light wood such as that of the balsa and similar trees is greatly desired in the manufacture of toys and models of various kinds and for numerous other purposes, and for a great many of its uses must be available in very thin layers having smooth exteriors. Owing, however, to the lack of cohesion among the constituent particles of such woods which renders the surface tearable under the pressure of cutting blades of heretofore known types, the only instrument, known to date which would separate the wood into smooth sided layers has been the conventional saw. Sawing such woods is impractical and costly in that the thickness of the saw is frequently as great, or greater, as that desired in the slice to be removed so that the waste in such cases equals, or exceeds, the workable material obtained. The main object of the present invention is to provide simple means for efficiently cutting softwood into thin slices without loss. A further object of the invention is to provide means for the purpose specified which can be readily incorporated in a planing machine of conventional type having a slide operating on a bed. And generally the objects of the invention are to provide simple, efficient and inexpensive means which will render the slicing of soft woods economical and practical and thus enlarge the scope of use of such woods..."

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