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US Patent: 4,726,266
Pair of Pliers
Hans Undin (exact or similar names) - Akersberga, Sweden
Hans Wiener (exact or similar names) - Taby, Sweden

USPTO Classifications:
81/342, 81/367, 81/416, 81/421

Tool Categories:

C. A. Weidmuller GmbH & Co. - Detmold, Germany

Not known to have been produced

none listed

Patent Dates:
Applied: Jan. 16, 1986
Granted: Feb. 23, 1988

Patent Pictures:
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
Karl F. Ross & Herbert Dubno - patent attorneys


In a pair of pliers where at least one of two shanks which carry jaws is built up of two spaced side-plates, is in at least one of the shanks a tapered section arranged rearwardly of a pivot point where the shank is attached to the other one. By the rearward location, which also allows a less steep taper, the tapered section is more spaced from the pivot point, whereby the danger of rupture upon heavy loading is diminished. Also the handles may be built up of spaced side-plates between which a stem portion of a protective grip with T-shaped cross-section is inserted.

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