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US Patent: 7,350
Steam Engine Valve Gear
Cyrus Richardson (exact or similar names) - Woburn, Middlesex County, MA

USPTO Classifications:
126/314, 91/252

Tool Categories:
propulsion and energy : steam engines : steam engine valve gear


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: May 07, 1850

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USPTO (New site tip)
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My improved arrangement consists in making two or more valve seats in the same steam chest, with a valve cup to each seat, one of which is made in the usual form, and is used when the engine has to draw its ordinary load, and the valve cups to the other seats are made of various lengths longer than is usual and are used when the engine has less than its ordinary load, and graduates the quantity of steam used as to apportion it in some measure according to the load, and thus enables the engineer to economize, or reduce the quantity of fuel used to generate the steam. This is effected by stopping the ingress of the steam into the cylinder when the cylinder is one third, one half, or partially filled with steam; and by this means the expansive force of the steam is gained.


The arranging of two or more valves in the same steam chest to open and close the several steam ports or passages leading to and from the cylinder of a steam engine, arranged and operated to graduate the admission of steam into the cylinders of steam engines.

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