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All Patents in class 123/161
Patents 1 - 15 of 27
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287,855Nov. 06, 1883L.C. ParkerElectric Igniting Device for Gas Enginesignition systems
292,178Jan. 22, 1884A.K. RiderExplosive Gas Enginegas and gasoline engines
398,108Feb. 19, 1889C.T. WiedlingGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
430,312Jun. 17, 1890J.W. EisenhuthSingle Acting Explosive Engine
445,110Jan. 20, 1891M.A. GrahamGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
448,924Mar. 24, 1891O. KosztovitsGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
457,459Aug. 11, 1891J.S. ConellyGas Motorgas and gasoline engines
494,134Mar. 28, 1893C.F. Endter, J. FoosGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
543,116Jul. 23, 1895G.W. WaltenbaughGas Engine Igniting Apparatusignition systems
547,414Oct. 08, 1895J.J. BoardmanGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
559,399May 05, 1896M.G. NixonHydrocarbon Enginecarburetors
567,954Sep. 22, 1896C.D. AndersonGas Engineinternal combustion engines
571,534Nov. 17, 1896G.W. LewisGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
577,898Mar. 02, 1897J. WalrathExplosive Engineinternal combustion engine valves
584,188Jun. 08, 1897S.D. McLelland, P.B. McLellandGas or Vapor Engine
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