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All Patents in class 451
Patents 1 - 15 of 3611
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5,385XMar. 03, 1829W. RobinsonGrinding steel dies used to make steel buttonsbutton making machinery
5,658XOct. 10, 1829L.B. Prindle, D. CurtisRubbing down and polishing combspolishing and buffing machinery
6,308XDec. 27, 1830R. HumphreyThrashing machinethreshers and thrashers
7,010XApr. 19, 1832G.A. MadeiraMachinery for holding and grinding edge toolssharpening machines
8,224XMay 28, 1834J. WheatonElliptical Spindle Grindergrinders
8,434XOct. 06, 1834O. StoneSaw-mill strapband sawmills
8,706XMar. 24, 1835P. CooperGrinding and polishing stone, glass, etc.glassmaker
9,287XDec. 15, 1835W. ChildApplication of polishing slate for sharpening razors
2,329Nov. 03, 1841T.J. CornellMachine for Dressing Granitestone cutting machines
2,656May 30, 1842R.M. HoeMachinery for grinding and polishing metallic surfaces, particularly saw-platestool making machines
2,860Nov. 21, 1842R.H. HenryMachine for shaping the inner side or periphery of fellies of carriage-wheelswheelwright
3,105May 26, 1843T. FairbanksDischarging Dust from Grinding Wheelsgrinders
5,398Dec. 18, 1847W. HoveyMachinery for Grinding Knives which have Warped Sufacestool grinders
5,760Sep. 12, 1848I. BakerMachine for dressing chair-seatswood shapers
5,902Nov. 07, 1848J.W. Chapman, W.Z. ChapmanHoning Machinesharpening machines
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