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All Patents in class 91
Patents 1 - 15 of 806
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6,939XFeb. 20, 1832S. CostillSteam and power engineoscillating steam engines
8,242XJun. 14, 1834S. BarberExpansive steam enginesteam engines
8,979XJul. 21, 1835A.M. EastwickSlide valves for steam enginessteam engine valves
9,406XFeb. 17, 1836W. Duff, T. MurphyValve, puppet, raising, etc.
9,672XMay 23, 1836A.S. DawleySteam enginesteam engines
2,227Aug. 21, 1841H. AllenCut-off valve for steam-enginessteam engine valve gear
3,042Apr. 10, 1843J. NasmythMachinery or apparatus operated by steam for forging, stamping, and cutting iron and other substancessteam hammers
3,426Feb. 07, 1844E.A. LesterOscillating Steam Engineoscillating steam engines
3,677Jul. 24, 1844H.R. WorthingtonManner of constructing and governing auxiliary steam-engines for the purpose of supplying steam-boilers with waterstationary boilers
RE66Sep. 07, 1844H.R. WorthingtonImprovement in the manner of constructing and governing an auxiliary steam-engine for the purpose of supplying a steam-boiler with waterstationary boilers
3,878Jan. 10, 1845J.H. TowneOscillating Steam Engineoscillating steam engines
4,028May 01, 1845T. RogersCut-Off Valve for Steam Enginessteam engine valves
4,206Sep. 27, 1845S. CheneyMachinery for cutting lathslath making machines
4,317Dec. 20, 1845J. EricssonCompound Steam Enginesteam engines
AI82Apr. 24, 1847J. NasmythMachinery or apparatus operated by steam for forging, stamping, and cutting iron and other substancessteam hammers
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