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All Patents of Type: railroad cars and carriages
Patents 1 - 15 of 35
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GB-181,604,067Sep. 30, 1816W. Losh, G. StephensonFacilitating the conveyance of carriages, goods and materials along rail ways, by certain inventions and improvements in the construction of the machine, carriages, carriage wheels, and rail waysrailroad cars and carriages
5,404XMar. 18, 1829I. KnightRailway carriagesrailroad cars and carriages
5,436XApr. 06, 1829J.L. SullivanRailroad Carriagesrailroad cars and carriages
5,480XMay 04, 1829P. FlemingMachine Called the Cylindrical Rail Way Carriagerailroad cars and carriages
5,498XJun. 11, 1829J. WrightRail Roads in the Mode in Which a Railway Carriage May Be Made to Turn Out and in on a Railwayrailroad cars and carriages
NX-183,002,221Feb. 22, 1830S.T. JonesRailroad Car, Pendulousrailroad cars and carriages
NX-183,002,222Feb. 27, 1830S.T. JonesRailroad Car, To Run on Roads and Streetsrailroad cars and carriages
7,244XOct. 25, 1832I. CooperCarriages for railroadsrailroad cars and carriages
8,304XJul. 10, 1834I. KnightRailway carriages (patented Mar. 18, 1829, reissued)railroad cars and carriages
8,467XOct. 23, 1834J. StimpsonRunning gear for railroad carsrailroad cars and carriages
XC-177May 16, 1842J. Smith, T. DissettA new and improved method of laying down marine railwaysrailroad cars and carriages
14,364Mar. 04, 1856G.T. McLauthlinRailroad-car seatrailroad cars and carriages
XC-840Jun. 08, 1858H. YatesImprovements in the wing rails of railway carriagesrailroad cars and carriages
26,911Jan. 24, 1860R.H. LongPropelling Passenger Cars by Steamrailroad motor cars
XC-1,105Jun. 14, 1860A. KerbySelf-acting and detaching car couplingrailroad cars and carriages
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