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Patents Granted on 1918-06-11
Patents 1 - 15 of 18
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1,268,961Jun. 11, 1918E.T. GorhamGrinding Machine
1,268,967Jun. 11, 1918J.W. HamptonGrinding Machine
1,268,969Jun. 11, 1918R.J. HardingTool Holder for Capstan and the Like Latheslathe tool holders and tool posts
1,268,974Jun. 11, 1918W.C. HoppesDisc Sharpenersharpeners
1,269,027Jun. 11, 1918J. WhiteDividersdividers
1,269,153Jun. 11, 1918P.L. BillingsleyAutomobile jackvehicle mechanic
1,269,271Jun. 11, 1918G.O. Leopold, T.J. FegleyVisebench vises
1,269,272Jun. 11, 1918A.B. FlobackDevice for Sharpening Knives, Scissors, and Like Cutting Implementsscissor sharpeners
1,269,288Jun. 11, 1918R.X. LandollCircular Saw Machinetablesaws
1,269,300Jun. 11, 1918J.H. MinerFlange-lubricatorflange lubricators
1,269,315Jun. 11, 1918T.B. SaultLathe Toollathe tool holders and tool posts
1,269,317Jun. 11, 1918E. SchleglTool Holderlathe tool holders and tool posts
1,269,324Jun. 11, 1918W.R. ShaverCombined Bevel Protractorprotractors
1,269,336Jun. 11, 1918A.O. TaylorCalipersindicating calipers
1,269,438Jun. 11, 1918A.H. HieatzmanGrease Gungrease guns
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