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Patents Granted on 1921-06-??
Patents 1 - 15 of 37
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D58,117Jun. 07, 1921A.H. SweetlandDesign for an electrically-operated hand-drillhandheld power drills
1,380,484Jun. 07, 1921D.C. LangePortable electric sawhandheld circular saws
1,380,562Jun. 07, 1921M. KeatingValve Plug Remover
1,380,566Jun. 07, 1921A.W. KieferPipe Wrenchpipe wrenches
1,380,595Jun. 07, 1921E. Ritz, Jr.Quick-throw electric switchhandheld power tools
1,380,643Jun. 07, 1921S. EagleWrenchwrench handle components
1,380,686Jun. 07, 1921J.S. StullCutter-headcutterheads
1,380,699Jun. 07, 1921G.H. Benzon, Jr.Planermetal planers
1,380,707Jun. 07, 1921V.F. FehrmTablesaw trunniontablesaws
1,380,744Jun. 07, 1921C.A. SimmonsTool Holderlathe tool holders and tool posts
1,380,794Jun. 07, 1921W. GordonMonkey Wrenchnut wrenches
1,381,457Jun. 14, 1921M.H. DerringerTool Holderlathe tool holders and tool posts
1,381,509Jun. 14, 1921F.J. SchwimmerBolt-Heading Machinebolt heading machines
1,381,900Jun. 21, 1921W. BarnesSocket Wrenchwrench handle components
1,381,997Jun. 21, 1921Handsaw
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