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Patents Granted on 1937-11-16
Patents 1 - 5 of 5
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2,099,218Nov. 16, 1937W.T. Pritchard, F.A. NicholsonDriving mechanism to maintain constant the required length of an endless driving meanswoodworking machine stockfeeding mechanisms
2,099,219Nov. 16, 1937W.T. Pritchard, F.A. NicholsonMechanism to maintain constant the required length of an endless driving meanswoodworking machine stockfeeding mechanisms
2,099,220Nov. 16, 1937F.A. Nicholson, W.T. PritchardMechanism to maintain constant the required length of an endless driving meanswoodworking machine stockfeeding mechanisms
2,099,321Nov. 16, 1937H.E. TautzScroll sawscrollsaws
2,099,519Nov. 16, 1937T.L. HedgpethWoodworking tooljointers
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