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US Patent: 158,591
Improvement in water-wheels
Samuel N. Knight (exact or similar names) - Sutter Creek, CA

USPTO Classifications:
416/197B, 416/197R

Tool Categories:
propulsion and energy : water power : water wheels


Knight & Co. - Sutter Creek, CA
Knight Foundry - Sutter Creek, CA

C. M. Richardson
John L. Boone

Patent Dates:
Applied: Nov. 21, 1874
Granted: Jan. 12, 1875

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
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Vintage Machinery entry for Knight & Co.
Wikipedia article on Knight Foundry
This water wheel was an early successful attempt at harnessing the kinetic energy (momentum) of a stream of water rather than the gravitational potential energy. It is now most remembered as the inspiration for the Pelton wheel of patent 233,692, which improved on the efficiency of the Knight design by doing away with the off-center position of the jet of water. Knight's design was an improvement on earlier so-called "hurdy-gurdy" wheels used during the gold rush, which had a vertical wheel with straight paddles; the hurdy-gurdy used the water's momentum but sacrificed efficiency for easy construction. Knight's "scoop" paddles were made of cast iron.

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