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XC Patent: XC-195
Improved engine pump, or fire engine
John Hearle (exact or similar names) - Galt, ON Canada

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
transportation : firefighting : fire engines : fire engine pumps


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: Jun. 29, 1844

Patent Pictures:
Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
XC patents are Canadian patents issued between 1824 and 1869.

From the 1880 book "Reminiscences of the early history of Galt and the settlement of Dumfries, in the Province of Ontario", by James Young, page 188, provides some context for the motivation of this invention: "The first Fire Company was organized in Galt early in 1843. A small engine was procured from New York City, and proved a rather poor affair; but its arrival in the village was deemed an event of no slight importance..." On pages 190-191: "During the month of November, 1843, a fire broke out in the woollen mill, which stood between the grist and saw mills. The fire bell promptly rang the alarm; the villagers were soon upon the spot. But the little engine then in use proved inefficient. In spite of the most energetic efforts, which were successful for a time, the fire spread to the eaves of the grist mill, and by degrees the large and valuable buildWs became a mass of flames..."

We have found little information on the inventor, merely a passing mention from the 1850s that he was selling his farm.

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