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US Patent: 5,412,312
Frequency and Instantaneous Voltage Level Meter
Matthew M. Crass (exact or similar names) - Kenosha, WI
Robert D. Braun (exact or similar names) - Kenosha, WI

USPTO Classifications:
324/115, 324/122, 345/39

Tool Categories:

Snap-On, Inc. - Kenosha, WI

Not known to have been produced

none listed

Patent Dates:
Applied: Oct. 02, 1992
Granted: May 02, 1995

Patent Pictures:
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
Snap-On Tools Company History
Emrich & Dithmar - patent attorneys


A volt/frequency meter includes LED arrays which provide bar-graph style meter displays of the instantaneous voltage and the frequency of a variable electric analog signal. Each LED in the voltage array corresponds to a predetermined voltage range and each LED in the frequency array corresponds to a predetermined frequency range. The meter is switchable among three different voltage scales and three different frequency scales. A separate LED flashes momentarily in response to the input signal crossing a user-determined limit set point which is adjusted through a knob on the front panel. The limit set point controls the operation of the frequency display such that the displayed frequency is the rate at which the analog signal crosses the limit set point.

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