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US Patent: 64,447
Making Wrench Bars
Improved Apparatus for Rolling Wrench-Bars
T. C. Rice (exact or similar names) - Worcester, MA

USPTO Classifications:
72/188, 72/198, 72/461

Tool Categories:
wrenches : wrench components : wrench handle components

Thomas H. Dodge - Worcester, MA
Timothy W. Wellington - Worcester, MA

Not known to have been produced

D. L. Miller
Thomas H. Dodge

Patent Dates:
Granted: May 07, 1867

Patent Pictures:
T. C. Rice Pat. May 7, 1867
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
The patent describes a machine which forms a bar which with further forming would become the main shank and fixed jaw of a monkey wrench. Dodge and Wellington operated a wrench manufacturing company in Worcester, Mass., producing designs originally patented by George C. Taft. Rice's parallel patent for forming wrench heads (no. 64,364) was granted April 30, 1867, and also assigned to Dodge and Wellington.

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