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US Patent: 114,229
Improvement in Portable Drilling-Machines
William H. Thorne (exact or similar names) - Philadelphia, PA

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
metalworking machines : drilling and boring : drill presses

Thorne & De Haven - Philadelphia, PA

Thorne & De Haven - Philadelphia, PA

O. C. Ferris
Frederick B. Miles

Patent Dates:
Granted: Apr. 25, 1871

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
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At the time this patent was issued, inventor Thorne had recently left the partnership of Richards & Thorne, who established The Atlantic Works.

The November 1872 issue of "Manufacturer & Builder" had a front-page article on portable drilling machines: "For further particulars, address the manufacturers, Thorne & De Haven, Twenty-third and Cherry streets, Philadelphia." The 1874 book, "Wiley's American iron trade manual of the leading iron industries of the United States" lists Thorne & De Haven: "Twenty-first and Market Streets. Drilling machines. Specialty, portable radial drills of their own invention and introduction, a novelty highly apprecaited by the trade. These machines can be attached directly to the work and power applied to them in any position, drilling holes up to two inches diameter with the same facility as a stationary drill. They are manufactured of several sizes and kinds. The firm also makes vertical drilling and boring machines, and employs 40 hands with orders constantly ahead."

The 1876 Centennial Exhibition saw "Thorne, De Haven & Co." exhibiting their drilling machines.

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