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US Patent: 2,084,061
Keyway Forming Machine
Henry E. Morton (exact or similar names) - Muskegon Heights, MI

USPTO Classifications:
409/307, 409/326, 409/335, 409/336, 451/19

Tool Categories:
metalworking machines : metal shapers
metalworking machines : key seating machines


Not known to have been produced

none listed

Patent Dates:
Applied: Feb. 21, 1935
Granted: Jun. 15, 1937

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Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens
Barthel & Barthel - patent attorneys

This invention relates to machines for forming key ways in the bores of hubs or other parts of machines or parts; and an object of the present invention is to provide, in a machine having a tool carrying bar or ram for reciprocation through a bore, an arrangement whereby such bar may be moved bodily in a lateral direction within such bore, at each end of the reciprocating stroke of said bar, to advance and retract the tool carried thereby, toward and from the work, and whereby the connection of power means to said bar for reciprocating the same, is maintained during such lateral movement of said bar. A further object is to provide, in such a machine, an arrangement whereby said bar may be adjusted to an angular position relative to its lateral feeding movement and the connection of said power means to said bar for reciprocating the same, maintained; and, further to provide TM power means for effecting lateral advancing and retracting movement of said bar together with means operated in timed relation thereto to give an increment of advance movement to said bar for each working stroke of the same. It is also an object to provide such advancing and retracting means with means for accurately regulating the depth of each cut of each stroke of the bar and means in the form of an adjustable stop to limit the depth of the complete keyway formed in the work, such advancing means including friction driving means adapted to slip when said stop becomes operative; and a further object is to provide a machine for the purpose which is completely automatic in its operation, is adapted to handle heavy work and is constructed to facilitate the setting of the machine for each particular job and for forming tapered keyways and keyways in tapered bores.

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