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US Patent: 556,151
Gustaf F. Johnson (exact or similar names) - West Superior, WI

USPTO Classifications:
81/111, 81/177.8, 81/185, 81/185.1, 81/58.2, 81/61

Tool Categories:
wrenches : wrench components : wrench jaw components


Not known to have been produced

John C. Shaw
C. E. Hoyle
Julius Oleson
John A. Hobe

Patent Dates:
Applied: Aug. 28, 1895
Granted: Mar. 10, 1896

Patent Pictures:
Gustaf F. Johnson patent March 10, 1896
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
"My invention relates to wrenches, and particularly to that class known as "ratchet wrenches," the objects in view being to provide a wrench having adjusting devices and interchangeable parts whereby it is adapted for various uses and for engaging different kinds and sizes of objects, and, furthermore, to provide simple means for mounting and dismounting the interchangeable parts." -- from the specifications.

Corresponding Canadian patent no. CA-51,960 was issued April 14, 1896.

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