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GB Patent: GB-178,901,693
Rotatory Motion From Steam Engine Without Crank or Cog Wheell
William Shorland (exact or similar names) - Bristol, Bristol County, England

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
propulsion and energy : steam engines


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: Jul. 30, 1789

Patent Pictures:
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens
Note: Early English patents were not originally numbered but they were later assigned consecutive numbers that run from GB-#1 of 1617 to #14359 of September 1852. From Oct 1852 until 1916, patents were numbered by the year and started at patent #1 at the start of each year in January. The patent number used in DATAMP represents the year of issue and the patent number. This patent is #1,693 issued in the year 1789.

Yet another attempt to circumvent Pickard's crank-and-flywheel patent, GB-178,001,263.

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