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US Patent: 607,903
Gas Engine
William J. Wright (exact or similar names) - Pittsburg, Allegheny County, PA

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
propulsion and energy : internal combustion engines : gas and gasoline engines


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Applied: Apr. 26, 1897
Granted: Jul. 26, 1898

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My invention primarily has for its object to provide a gas-engine (which in its essential features of construction may be of any well- known form) having attachments, whereby the motion of the engine can be quickly and effectively reversed without stopping the same.

My invention also seeks to provide a gas-engine having means for automatically reversing the motion and having peculiar and novel igniting means regulated by the operation of the reversing mechanism whereby the explosive mixture can be ignited almost immediately on the beginning of the return or forward stroke of the piston to thereby exert a back thrust on the crank-axle before it passes forward beyond the vertical axis of its circle movement whereby to the more effectively arrest the forward movement of the piston and thereby cause it to quickly move backward or in a reverse direction.

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