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US Patent: 335,831
Manufacture of Incandescent Lamps
Otto A. Moses (exact or similar names) - New York, NY

USPTO Classifications:
174/50.58, 445/27, 65/34, 65/59.23

Tool Categories:
electrical devices : incandescent light bulbs


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Applied: Sep. 02, 1885
Granted: Feb. 09, 1886

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Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens

In carrying out the invention a tube of glass, widened somewhat at a short distance from one eud to form a bulb, is employed. One end of this tube is closed hermetically and the leading-in wires are passed through the other end. It is then applied by mens of a blowpipe, or in any other convenient manner, to the enlarged or expanded portion of the tube, whereby the air contained therein is rarefied. The end through which the lead-in wires are passed is then closed and, preferably, a drop of molten glass is applied to the same to securely seal it. The heat is at this stage in the operation transferred from the bulb to the portion of the tube surrounding the leading-in wires, so that while this portion of the glass is softened by heat the enlarged portion is allowed to cool. Under the influence of atniosplieric pressure the glass around the platinum wires shrinks, runs together, and] the edges colliquefy, so as to allow of a gradual collapse and thickening of the glass to the desired point, thus sealing the wires securely while the occluded gases are being driven out by heat and escaping into the partially-evacuated chamber or bulb. After the sealing has been thus accomplished at this point The opposite end of the tube is broken off, and the wires leading from the sealed platinum wires are drawn through this broken qend preparatory to inserting the entire piece within the neck of the globe which it is to close.


The hereinbefore described process of sealing in leading-in wires for incandescent electric lamps, which consists in inserting the same in a glass tube, expelling a portion of the air therefrom by beating the tube and closing the glass abort the wires while the tube is allowed to cool, thereby creating a partial vacuum within the tube while the wires are heated. The hereinbefore described process of sealing leading-in wires into the glass neck of an incandescent electric light, which consists in inserting theme in an inclosed chamber, attenuating the air therein,ancl closing the glass about the wires while the air is so attenuated while maintaining the wires at a high temperature.

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