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US Patent: 601,451
Henry Minor Stevenson (exact or similar names) - Perry, IA

USPTO Classifications:
254/98, 74/424.86

Tool Categories:
material handling : jacks : screw jacks


Not known to have been produced

W. H. Fahey
O. F. Roddon

Patent Dates:
Applied: Apr. 21, 1897
Granted: Mar. 29, 1898

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This patent uses a recirculating-ball mechanism to create a screw-jack. This constitutes the earliest known patent for what is now called a ball screw, an invention that has become very important in the 21st century in the design of high-precision machinery with X-Y positioning, including many CNC machines. Stevenson did not invention the recirculating-ball mechanism; although the patent does not mention it, an earlier patent, Brunthaver's 477,642, would seem to be the first appearance of recirculating balls in a screw mechanism.

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