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US Patent: 17,169
Machine for splitting wood
Waterman L. Ormsby (exact or similar names) - Jersey City, NJ

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
woodworking machines : specialty woodworking machines : wood splitting machines


Not known to have been produced

C. M. Trossbach
George R. St. John

Patent Dates:
Granted: Apr. 28, 1857

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According to the 1888 "Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography", Waterman Lilly Ormsby was an engraver. "He invented several ruling-machines, transfer-presses, and other implements that are used in bank-note engraving, a machine for engraving on steel called the 'grammagraph,' and one for splitting wood. He was a founder of the Continental bank-note company, which during the civil war and afterward executed a large amount of work for he U.S. Government; and the peculiar design of the five-dollar bank-note was largely the result of Mr. Ormsby's idea for the prevention of counterfeiting."

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