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US Patent: 1,741X
Boots and shoes with pegs, etc.
Robert U. Richards (exact or similar names) - Norfolk, CT

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
trade specific : cobbler


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: May 23, 1812

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
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The following description of this invention is due to Don McConnell. "In brief, it is a diminutive (the frame is 18 inches long, 18 inches high, and 8 inches wide) hand crank machine for threading shoe peg stock and cutting it to the proper length. As shown in the 'detail' drawing, shoe peg stock is fed through a rotating hollow spindle, at the end of which is a (screw) box. Then a vertically mounted chisel or blade cuts them to length - that length, apparently, being determined by the number of revolutions of the hollow spindle and screw box (and the pitch of the threads) per each revolution of the 'crank' shaft.

"Though somewhat ingenious, I have some serious doubts about its practicality. But, the idea of 'screw (shoe) pegs' is mentioned, in passing, by Edward H. Knight (in _Knight's American Mechanical Dictionary_) some sixty years after this patent. So, the idea of threaded shoe pegs, apparently, had some currency for a good part of the 19th century."

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