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GB Patent: GB-178,701,610
Steam Engine
William Symington (exact or similar names) - Sanquhar, Dumfries County, Scotland

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
propulsion and energy : steam engines


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: Jun. 05, 1787

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 ]
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens
Wikipedia biography of William Symington
Note: Early English patents were not originally numbered but they were later assigned consecutive numbers that run from GB-#1 of 1617 to #14359 of September 1852. From Oct 1852 until 1916, patents were numbered by the year and started at patent #1 at the start of each year in January. The patent number used in DATAMP represents the year of issue and the patent number. This patent is #1,510 issued in the year 1787.

Symington, only 23 years old at the time, saw a way to simplify Watt's steam engine by using a second piston that condensed the steam. When fresh steam entered the cylinder, the second piston was pushed down, evacuating the condensate. The first piston was pushed by atmospheric pressure when the other side of the piston experienced the vacuum created by the condensing steam. Symington went on to adapt his steam engine to power paddle boats, creating the first practical steam boats (see patent GB-180,102,544. He also proposed a steam carriage based on this engine but never actually built it.

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