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GB Patent: GB-181,203,529
Improvements on saw mills
Marc Isambard Brunel (exact or similar names) - Chelsea, London, England

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
woodworking machines : reciprocating saws : reciprocating sawmills
woodworking machines : sawmills : reciprocating sawmills


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: Jan. 28, 1812

Patent Pictures:
Espacenet patent
Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
Brunel's Battersea (London) sawmills were destroyed by fire in 1814, which was one factor in his eventual bankruptcy in 1821 which put him into debtor's prison for several months. This patent, and its 1813 successor (patent GB-181,303,643) contain improvements to accurately fix the saw in the frame, prevent the heads of the frame from bending, adjust the inclination of the frame to avoid binding when the frame rises, allow the saw-blade spacing to be adjusted to control the thickness of the resulting boards, keep the cutting edge of each saw straight, and provide an apparatus for honing the blades in place.

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