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US Patent: 306,375
Portable drilling-machine
John F. Allen (exact or similar names) - Brooklyn, NY

USPTO Classifications:
173/141, 475/178

Tool Categories:
metalworking machines : drilling and boring : portable metal boring and drilling machines


Not known to have been produced

G. Sarnigust
Henry E. Roeder

Patent Dates:
Applied: Dec. 03, 1883
Granted: Oct. 14, 1884

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Report data errors or omissions to steward Jeff Joslin
This patent was cited during litigation of patent 369,120, granted to John Moffet, which is now considered to be the first practical portable metal drilling and boring machine—capable of drilling holes in steel 2 inches in diameter. This Allen patent was considered to be the closest to anticipating the Moffet patents, but in considering the evidence the court found that there was convincing evidence that the Moffet drilling machine was in use first. The judge's decision noted, "The invention of Allen does not appear to have gone into general use. I have carefully read the testimony upon which is it claimed that the date of the Allen construction is prior to the date of the application. I am not favorably impressed by the testimony of Allen upon this point. Considered in connection with his former testimony and the testimony of his father in the Manning Case, it has not the weight claimed for it. A witness who has had ample opportunity to narrate his connection with a transaction, and apparently fully relates the same, and thereafter, in another litigation, gives a different narrative in relation thereto, or one from which an entirely different inference may be drawn, is not usually to be depended upon for accuracy of statement."

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