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US Patent: 371,349
Miter Clamp
George F. Newell (exact or similar names) - Boston, Suffolk County, MA

USPTO Classifications:
269/239, 269/268, 269/42

Tool Categories:
work holding : clamps : miter and corner clamps




Patent Dates:
Applied: May 01, 1886
Granted: Oct. 11, 1887

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This invention consists in a simple and effectual device for clamping and retaining in position the contiguous portions of a mitered frame for instance, a window, door, looking glass, picture, or other frame, or the contiguous sides of a box-bracket, &c. where a corner is to be formed by ,joining and securing two portions together, said clamp being conveniently employed for rigidly keeping the parts in their desired position while a nail, screw, clasp, or other fastening is being applied at the joint, or after cement, glue, or other adhesive substance has been laid on the surfaces in contact.


A clamp for holding the contiguous miter or square-corner portions of a frame while being fastened together, consisting of the casting A, with its rests or supports a b and pivoted handle C, in combination with a pair of pointed movable jaws, B B, and a pair of pointed links, D D, for connecting the jaws with the handle.

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