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US Patent: 380,360
Combined Rule, Square, Bevel, Calipers, &c.
James C. Spencer (exact or similar names) - Rochester, NY
James G. Smith (exact or similar names) - Jamestown, NY

USPTO Classifications:
33/43, 33/473, 33/558.02, D10/73

Tool Categories:
layout tools : marking gauges
layout tools : squares : bevel squares
layout tools : squares
layout tools : compasses : dividers


Not known to have been produced

C. C. Davidson
C. T. Butler
Ella M. Stearns
T. O. Linell
E. J. Wurdeman
I. J. Masson

Patent Dates:
Applied: Jan. 05, 1888
Granted: Apr. 03, 1888

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Report data errors or omissions to steward Ralph Brendler
Here is an ambitious little combination tool that combines many different features into a very compact package. As a marking gage, this tool would probably not be very good due to the miniscule bearing surface, but it would do in a pinch.

It is not believed that this piece was ever produced commerically, but a nearly identical piece called the "12-in-1" tool was produced under T.S. Hutchinson's much later patent (1636637 - 7/19/1927).

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