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US Patent: 389,734
Micrometer Caliper
James D. Bishop (exact or similar names) - San Francisco, CA

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
metalworking tools : machinist tools : measuring tools : micrometers
rules : rule attachments


Not known to have been produced

S. H. Nourse
H. C. Lee

Patent Dates:
Applied: Apr. 02, 1888
Granted: Sep. 18, 1888

Patent Pictures:
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens
My invention relates to certain improvements in devices for delicate measurements; and its object is to enable calipers for mechanical use to be adjusted with absolute precision to the smallest variations of measurement. It consists of a standard steel or metal rule divided to any desired scale, with a movable attachment sliding upon the scale, with grooves and set-screws facing right and left, the faces of the grooves being in the same vertical plane, and a spring-piece bent at right angles with the sliding piece, to which it is attached, so that its edge may sink into any of the divisions of the rule and hold it in place. To the opposite end of the rule is fixed another metal piece, having a movable portion with grooves corresponding to those on the first-named piece, and a micrometer or vernier screw, by which it may be advanced or receded.

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