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US Patent: 42,203
Traction Wheel
Robert H. Lecky (exact or similar names) - McClure, Allegheny County, PA

USPTO Classifications:
180/234, 180/262, 180/263, 180/409

Tool Categories:
propulsion and energy : steam apparatus : steam carriages


Not known to have been produced

James J. Johnston
Alexander Hays
A. C. Johnston

Patent Dates:
Granted: Apr. 05, 1864

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
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The nature of my invention consists in arranging the running-gear of stem-wagons so that the driving-gear is relieved from any undue strain caused by the jarring or concussive action of the wagon when running over rough or uneven roads. My invention further consists in the use of swivel-bearings for the wagon-wheels, the axis of said swivel-bearings being placed central to the periphery of said wheels, so that they may be turned sidewise to any desired angle without any back or forward revolution of said wheels other than that imparted to them by the action of the engines and driving-gear. My invention also consists in an arrangement for guiding and turning the wagon by means of tiller-ropes attached to the axles of the wagon-wheels and operated by means of a shaft and wheels, the whole being con- structed, arranged, and operating in the manner.


The use of the swivel bearings, or their equivalents, with their axis placed central to the periphery of the wheels, so that said wheels may be turned sidewise without any back or forward motion other than that imparted by the engines and driving-gear.

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