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US Patent: 46,677
Turning Lathe
James L. Johnson (exact or similar names) - Ashburnham, Worcester County, MA

USPTO Classifications:
82/110, 82/137, 82/139, 82/153, 82/161

Tool Categories:
metalworking machines : metal lathes : engine lathes


Not known to have been produced

Theodore Tusch
C. L. Topliff
Jerome W. Foster
L. J. Lane

Patent Dates:
Granted: Mar. 07, 1865

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Report data errors or omissions to steward Joel Havens
Munn & Co.-patent attorneys

This invention consists in the employment or use of a slide and cam-slot, or other equivalent device, in combination with a pair of adjustable tappets and with the tool-stock of a slide-rest in such a manner that by the action of said slide against the tappets the tool is automatically drawn back from and pushed out toward the work, and in cutting screws, for instance, no further attention is to be paid to the position of the tool, except to turn it forward at every new start far enough to take the requisite chip. In order to regulate the size of the chip, the hand-wheel which serves to impart motion to the screw and tool-stock is provided with two (more or less) adjustable lugs, which act in combination with a sliding spring-stop in such a manner that the motion imparted to the hand-wheel can be adjusted with the greatest nicety, and the thickness of the chip is determined without requiring any further attention of the operator.

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