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US Patent: 5,004,984
Magnetic Field Pickup Assembly for Diagnositics on Specific Engine
Thomas P. Becker (exact or similar names) - Kenosha, WI
Sohrab S. Rameshk (exact or similar names) - Libertyville, IL
Matthew M. Crass (exact or similar names) - Kenosha, WI

USPTO Classifications:
324/226, 324/243, 324/379, 324/380, 324/388, 324/402

Tool Categories:

Snap-On Tools Corp. - Kenosha, WI

Not known to have been produced

none listed

Patent Dates:
Applied: Sep. 08, 1989
Granted: Apr. 02, 1991

Patent Pictures:
USPTO (New site tip)
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Report data errors or omissions to steward Stan Schulz
Snap-On Tools Company History
Emrich & Dithmar - patent attorneys


An inductive pickup assembly senses the electromagnetic fields of plural ignition elements of an automotive engine, access to which elements is prevented by associated engine housing structure. The pickup assembly includes a frame having a flat platform on which multiple sensors are mounted, each sensor comprising an electromagnetic pickup coil with a magnetizable metal core integral with a magnetizable metal shield plate which covers one end of the coil. The frame has a support member with depending feet having apertures which mate with fasteners on the housing structure to serve as a template for accurately locating the pickup assembly on the housing structure.

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