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US Patent: 5,581X
Printing Machine Styled the Typographer
William Austin Burt (exact or similar names) - Detroit, Wayne County, MI

USPTO Classifications:

Tool Categories:
trade specific : office worker


Not known to have been produced


Patent Dates:
Granted: Jul. 23, 1829

Patent Pictures: [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
USPTO (New site tip)
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A YouTube video discussing the inventor and his subsequent creation of the QWERTY keyboard has an image of a better original.
Most of the patents prior to 1836 were lost in the Dec. 1836 fire. Only about 2,000 of the almost 10,000 documents were recovered. This is one of the recovered patents. This patent is in the database for reference only.


This patent discloses the actual construction of a type writing machine for the first time in any country. The type are arranged on the under side of a segment carried by a lever pivoted to swing vertically and horizontally. The desired character is brought to the printing point by moving this lever horizontally to a position over the same character in the index and the impression is made by depressing the lever.

Several styles of type may be used, and they are arranged in two rows on the lever; these rows of type can be shifted on the lever to bring either one to the printing point. The paper is carried on an endless band which travels crosswise of the machine, and this band is moved for letter space by the impression lever every time said lever is depressed to print. The line space is made by shifting the frame carrying the printing mechanism toward the front or rear of the machine, the paper remaining stationary.

Ink pads are located at each side of the impression point, and all the type except the one in printing position are inked every time the impression lever is pressed. A dial is provided which indicates the length of paper in inches which has passed the printing point in printing each line, and as the operator knows the width of the paper being used, the time to stop printing at the end of the line is indicated.

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